Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Perfect Combo

It's no secret that I have been a major fan/supporter of Starbucks over the years. My obsession began when I moved from my small college town to Dallas post-graduation. In Dallas, where there's a store on every corner, it was hard not to give in. So, I did. Lattes, mochas, cappuccinos, frappuccinos, you name it. I was hooked. I don't know what they put in that stuff to make a sane person willing to spend $4 on a cup of coffee...

Anyway, I have tried many times over the last few years to give it up, without success. I could never do it. I could make it for a few days, maybe even a week or two, and then it was over. It was a losing battle. I craved the stuff, especially those stinkin' frapuccinos in the summer time. It's tragic, I know...

Well, I've been doing better. Last January, I decided to be hard core and stop. And I did. I'm super proud of myself!!! I got a french press and have loved the morning ritual of boiling water and making my coffee. It even tastes good. All of that would be well and good if it wasn't for this:

Last fall, wandering up and down the aisles of Wal-Mart (which is ALWAYS trouble) I came across the Starbucks Caramel Macchiato ice cream. DARN! I convinced myself that I just wanted to try it. I just needed a tiny taste of something sweet. Besides, it was much cheaper than going out and getting a drink. Huge mistake. I know better than to listen to inner dialogue. Once I gave in, I found out that this stuff is truly the perfect combination of vanilla, coffee, and caramel and better than ANY ice cream I have ever tasted. I didn't really need to know that.

On the upside, at least I'm (technically) saving a few bucks :) The battle continues...

Happy Thursday!

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